Thursday, January 10, 2013

slammin' women.

last month, the universe slid the following video
of poet mindy nettifee performing
"for young women who don't consider themselves feminists"
in the autumn at the west side school for the desperate
across my laptop, & i loved it.

now, i've discovered ms. nettifee is the headliner for
the women of the world poetry slam finals,
being sponsored by austin poetry slam & being held
here in the atx next month.
$5 admission? seriously?? i'll be there.

according to her bio, mindy "believes poetry should
hammer all the nerves & swell the heart & shake the sleeping.
she believes we need it like we need clean air & people to smile at us every once in awhile.
she sincerely hopes that this whole getting-to-do-what-she-loves-for-a-living thing
isn't a fluke. but if it is, well, there's always peaches & bourbon."

image source: austin poetry slam.

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