Wednesday, January 16, 2013

i'm honoring christmas in my heart . . .

. . . & keeping it all the year.
or for a month, anyway.

three weeks later, i thought i'd try to brighten up your january midweek
with a couple of musical videos that brightened up my holiday.

video #1: a courageous [albeit rather crass] confession
from a jewish dude who calls himself happyjoel
& earns his living entering online video contests.

video #2: a kinder, gentler performance
from jimmy fallon, the roots, mariah carey & random kids,
featuring all toy instruments. just. so. charming. & happy. & fun.

"blessed is the season which engages
the whole world in a conspiracy of love"

quoth american writer hamilton wright mabie.

why not try to extend the blessing just a little longer?
share a smile — or two — today.

image source:

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