Sunday, August 3, 2008

one minute to presence.

Here's a lovely little reminder from The Happiness Project's creator, Gretchen Rubin, to be present for your life (and, if you're a mom, then for your children's lives) . . . especially relevant for me today as I'm hit with the realization that we're coming down the backside of summer and my youngest will be a kindergartner before this month is through . . . *sigh.*

It's just a minute long - enjoy: The Years Are Short.

1 comment:

Susan K. Morrow said...

The video was a little hard to take. As I stare into the maw of "The Empty Nest" and I know, as I have always known, that my girls will grow up and leave me, I feel more dread than I did facing 40. I am encouraged by the thought that I LOVE being in my 40s, so maybe I'll love being an empty nester, too. The relationships grow and change with us, and my babies will always be my babies. This is what we signed on for, isn't it? To raise healthy, happy children into productive, self-sufficient, happy adults. Right? Then why does it hurt a mother's heart so?