Thursday, July 7, 2011

c'mon. get happy.


this summer, to date, has been less than stellar.

too much work. not enough playtime.
too much extreme heat + humidity. not enough rain.
too much eating. not enough exercising.
too much sibling refereeing. not enough family fun.

all shadowed by worry & stress concerning
some serious first-family health issues.

they even cancelled our fireworks [fire hazard].

to date, this has been a rather big-bummer summer.

so i was happy to see happiness guru gretchen rubin's
recent blog post, want to feel happier by the end of the day?
your menu of options.
[well, i was en route to happy, anyway.]

now, ms. rubin has studied happiness
& the real reasons behind it comprehensively,
so when she offers a checklist of
31-derful research-proven ways to improve your mood
then i'm printing it, sharing it & following it.

& as i head into what may well be the
most difficult week of my summer 2011,
i'm highlighting the ten simplest actions
i can do from the list,
& giving myself ultimate permission to do a couple
whenever the bum threatens to overwhelm:

1. call or email a close friend.

2. add a fun thing to my calendar.

3. spend 15 minutes on the internet reading
about a subject i want to learn more about.

4. give $25 to a worthy cause.

5. do ten jumping jacks/walk around the block/go for a run.

6. tidy up a computer folder.

7. schedule a doctor's appointment i've been postponing.

8. send replies to three e-messages i've been meaning to respond to.

9. toss someone else's litter.

10. blog about what i'm grateful for.

want to print, share or follow the whole list? here you go.
& if you're still not happy, then oprah's got another 25 ways to beat the blues.

image source: going places 2 @

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