Tuesday, March 9, 2010

smitten with sandra.

Oh, Sandy. So, so many reasons to love you . . .

... maybe it's because you've got such a natural beauty & way of being out in the world, your lack of pretense, your straight talk, your easy hilarity & talent for physical comedy ...

... maybe it's your unlikely choice of a brawny biker for a lifemate, or the clear, deep love & affection & respect the two of you hold for one another ...

... maybe it's because you have five dogs, two of whom have missing legs, and they all sleep up on the bed with you ...

... maybe it's because you stood by your man, fighting with him for and winning custody of his five-year-old daughter ...

... maybe it's because you let your little stepdaughter choose the gown you wore for the Oscars - a gown which garnered you rave red-carpet reviews ...

... maybe it's because you gave the best acceptance speech of the evening as you won the Academy Award for Best Actress ...

... maybe it's because of the huge mom holla! you included in that spectacular speech & in your Oprah interview the morning after, honoring "the moms who take care of the babies and the children, no matter where they come from," and thanking your own mom, Helga, for "reminding her daughters there's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love."

"The good mamas are often tough mamas," you said. This is one tough mama's who's writing that down, Sandy ...

... maybe it's because you won a Razzie & an Oscar within 24 hours, & accepted both with grace & humor ...

... or maybe it's just because you're an Austin girl like me.

No matter the reason - I'm utterly smitten along with the rest of America, & wish you happy, happy congratulations, & many, many snickerdoodle pies to come.

image source: yahoo!

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