Monday, March 1, 2010

celebrate the everyday - march.

It's March, 2010. How will you celebrate being a woman?

March 1Beer Day
What day *isn't* Beer Day?
March 4Do Something Day/National Grammar Day
Do something to promote good grammar!
March 8Day for Women's Rights & International Peace/International Working Women's Day/Girls Write Now Day
As a working woman writer for peace, I figure I'm covered.
March 9Organize Your Home Office Day
I'll be filing, filing, filing [I prefer piling, piling, piling].
March 10International Day of Awesomeness
Celebrate you & your like, total awesomeness today.
March 12Girl Scouts Day
Mmmm, Samoas ...
March 15Napping Day
Schedule a little down time for yourself today.
March 17 Campfire Girls Day
Mmmm, s'mores ...
March 20Vernal Equinox
Welcome, Springtime!!
March 23National Puppy Day
Go sniff some puppy breath.
March 25Letting Go of Stuff Day
Declutter your body, your budget, your bedroom, your business.
March 27Earth Hour
8:30 - 9:30 p.m. wherever you are. Lights out, environment in.
March 29 - Full moon [the Worm Moon]

Remember, where there is connection, there is power.
Where there is power, there is hope for change. For ourselves, and for our world.
We are all connected. We are all powerful.

Until my next post, be well, be happy & be hopeful.

image source:

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