Sunday, May 2, 2010


time for my one little word for how i want to be - may edition.

may's word: connected.

connected to my knowing self.

connected to nature, as we experience our final approach into summertime.

connected to my body - in terms of both fitness & sexuality.

connected to my sweet husband - in more ways than one [nudge nudge, wink wink].

connected to my tween-y daughter - as she transitions from elementary school to middle school.

connected to my young son - as he switches schools.

connected to my extended families - both first & birth.

connected to my amazing circle of dear girlfriends.

connected to my passions.

connected to my courage.

connected to play.

connected to creativity.

connected to the universe & whatever it has to offer me.

connected to my senses.

connected to my here & now.

image source: qixtepr

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