Monday, March 17, 2008

mid-march monday miscellany.

Another week gone — not terribly surprising, as I'm still feeling a little unsteady upon my figurative feet. I've just been listing and listing and working and listing, trying to regain some feeling of control over my life, its details and its direction. Some feeling of control because there's rather little actual control over this life, is there?

Philosophical questions aside, here are my top ten things to be thankful for this mid-March Monday:

1. Limited PMS months (which this one isn't for me, incidentally).
2. Weight Watchers (the simple beauty of it is if you do it, then it works).
3. A Monday mostly to myself.
4. Shopping as a representative for the Easter Bunny (God bless Target).
5. Clearing clutter — or, even better, clutter cleared.
6. A working wifi router (I shouldn't jinx it ...).
7. Salmon for supper (my kids *love* it — go figure!).
8. Thunderstorms.
9. Supportive, thoughtful friends who get me, who give me space while continuing to sweetly touch base.
10. Someone who says you look almost exactly the same as when they met you over 20 years ago.

Happy mid-March Monday, everyone — have a gratitude-filled, balanced and clarifying week!!


iggee said...

Happiness x 10 - My list of gratefuls for the week:

1) Ibuprofen for Lucy's bulging gums.
2) The re-starting of Boot Camp
3) My food diary. I definitely notice when I don't record what I eat.
4) Uninterrupted naptime that I used to finish my card samples.
5) Cool temperatures w/out it being cold.
6) Patience. I've kept hold of it the past few days.
7) Kids that forgive me.
8) Lucy loves fish. Glad one kid does.
9) New shoes.
10) My upcoming shower.

Anonymous said...

KC, I went to Target for Easter basket fillings, too. Was a fun morning out. Take care!

SCG said...

Hey Kristen,

Your children *like* salmon? Wow. Go figure, indeed! Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

who doesn't like salmon