Monday, February 11, 2008

monday morning gratitudes.

I'm beginning a new Monday morning ritual, intended to help make my Mondays not quite as manic. The notion originally comes from Cheryl Richardson (life coach extraordinaire), who notes — and I definitely concur with her — what better way to launch your workweek than reflecting upon what you're grateful for?

So here's my inaugural list of Ten Things I'm Thankful For This Monday Morning:
  1. My husband's continuing clean bill of health (he is a cancer survivor).
  2. My daughter's glee about awakening to her new Tinkerbell alarm clock.
  3. A no-whining morning.
  4. Our Tempurpedic bed.
  5. A high-functioning water heater.
  6. Someone else cleaning my house every other week.
  7. Scrapbooking (I completed three layouts this weekend!).
  8. Dealing-with-kids wisdom from my sister, the educator (who came to visit this weekend).
  9. My ipod.
  10. My husband changing his schedule to accommodate my need to exercise today.
So, what are you feeling grateful for at the moment? Please feel free to share with a comment!


Anonymous said...

After a rough weekend, when by Sunday afternoon I pretty much gave up on being a good mom and settled for mediocre, I too would like to start off my week on a positive note. Today, I am grateful for:
1) Car mechanic who is honest and vacuums the car! Nevermind that I am paying for his golf weekend.
2) MP3 player to lively up my walk.
3) Light at the end of the current 4 yearold phase which will be known as "the regression period."
4) A job that allows me the freedom to stay home sans car on a Monday.
5) Corpus Christi Bay at the end of my street.
6) Tina Turner as a role model for a maturing woman.
7) Text messaging with my sibs during the Grammy's - the next best thing to being there.
8) Do it yourself dye jobs that cover the grey and a hairstylist who understands when one is too broke (see car mechanic) to come in for proper coloring.
9) Flirting with the soccer coach - yes, the hormones are still intact.
10) Las Vegas recordings on the DVR - so silly but such pretty people to look at.

Thanks for this opportunity my lovely friend. I am feeling better already . . . Leigh

iggee said...

1) Lucy has finally stopped screaming and succumbed to sleep.
2) Luke went right to sleep.
3) Barbara's Organic Honey O's - 3/4 cup=2 WW points w/out the milk. Lovely sweet treat!
4) Boot camp.
5) Much smaller jeans.
6) Much smaller bra (amen!)
7) Absolute quiet.
8) Tax refunds.
9) My imac.
10) This amazingly warm and generally pleasant day.

*sigh* off for a shower and then BED for me!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, my dear friends, for visiting and reading my blog, and especially for participating with your comments! I love you -- so keep on coming back! :)

Diana said...

Ok - great idea! Here's my list (even though it's Thursday!)
1. ichat -- which enabled Kallie to talk to and see her Daddy in Dallas on this Valentine's morning. (It enabled me, too!)
2. box cake mix -- so I can be "the good Mom" and fake baking!
3. My dogs, inspite of their problems
4. pretty coffee/tea mugs -- one of my obsessions
5. Living in Austin, Texas, where the weather is so sweet most of the time
6. Caffeine
7. Xyron support help that is calling me back
8. My kids -- and having the good sense not to deliver a valentine to my 24-year old's office (which I did think about for a second!_
9. That Jeff's work is only taking him as far as Dallas these days
10. Hand cream