Thursday, December 13, 2007

a silent night.

It’s so easy to let go of our self-care during the holidays — there are so many things to do, places to go, people to see. We’ve all got long lists, and it’s common for self-care to fall right off the bottom.

Of course, taking care of ourselves *should* be an even higher priority than ever during this crazy, stressful season. We all know the basics: get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast, stick to your exercise routine, avoid overindulgence — of caffeine, alcohol and rich foods. But how about giving yourself a little piece of peace?

Here are four ways to create a sense of centeredness in your holiday:

Walk. This sounds just like sticking to your exercise routine, but a walk doesn’t have to be all about aerobics. It can be a way to reconnect with nature and calm your busy brain. Be mindful as you walk, and tune into your senses — pay attention to what you see, listen to the sounds around you, smell the winter air and feel the breeze on your cheeks.

Talk. We momentarily connect with dozens of people during the holidays, but rarely do we make the time to have a meaningful conversation with a friend. Get a cup of cocoa, snuggle into a cozy chair and call a friend for a long winter’s chat.

Breathe. I’m a lifelong breath-holder. Whenever I’m busy or stressed, I find myself breathing shallowly, quickly, and unconsciously holding my breath now and then. A little mini-meditation helps me remember, it’s important to breathe in and out: Sit down and close your eyes. Breathing through your nose, breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of five. Imagine inhaling relaxation and exhaling tension.

Be quiet. Drive without the sound of the radio once in a while. Silence helps us kick it down a notch by slowing down sensory input.

I discovered these helpful tips at, which has a wealth of wellness articles, from pampering presents to partying without putting on pounds.

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